"Primary School Kayin: boys' gymnastics presentation on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Hakka church 1936" [Annotation: "Hakka Church" crossed out and replaced by "Congregation in Kayin."]
"[original caption] Primarschule Kayin: Turnspiel der Knaben anlässlich des 60 jähr. Jubiläums der Hakkakirche 1936." [Original text]: "Hakkakirche" gestrichen, dafür: "Gem. Kayin."
Archives mission 21 / Basel Mission Reference: A-30.85.103
Photographer: Hoseit, Emmy (Ms)
Place taken: Meixian
Date: 1936
I love this photo of these schoolboys (Scouts, I believe) who must have practised so hard to prepare this wonderful display! In addition, it was interesting to calculate that the Basel Mission had established a congregation in Moiyan as early as 1876. Prior to finding these photos, I had imagined that no person from Moiyan would have ever set eyes upon a foreigner until more recent times - I was evidently wrong!
"Pupils of the secondary school in Moiyen." [English: "III Class Kaying, May 1937. The Chinese text beneath gives the names of the pupils."]
"[original caption] Schüler der Mittelschule in Moiyen." [Original text]: "lll. Klasse. Kaying. Mai 1937. Die Zeichen unten sind die Namen der Schüler."
[Stamps]: "Chinainspektorat [...] 12. Aug. 37."
Archives mission 21 / Basel Mission Reference: QA-30.004.0109
Photographer: unknown studio
Place taken: Meixian
Date: May 1937
I chose this picture because the students were named. I was also interested to note that there were female students! Anyone recognise a family member?
The students are from 樂育 : 乐育 Lèyù : Log(6) yug(5) school.
"Secondary school, Kayintschu. Mühleisen, Walter, Lauk."
"[original caption] Mittelschule Kayintschu. Mühleisen, Walter, Lauk."
Archives mission 21 / Basel Mission Reference: QA-30.009.0036
Photographer: Walter, Georg Ernst (Mr)
Place taken: Meixian
Date (DD.MM.YYYY): 01.01.1912-31.12.1921
This shows some pupils from Leyu school again, this time with some of the Basel Mission teachers. Of note is the European teacher in Chinese clothes and the Chinese teacher in European clothes.
"The Kindergarten. The trousers for play have been donated by German friends. (Home for the Blind, Kaying). [This is the caption on the mount, there is also a Chinese caption on the picture]."
"[original caption] Der Kindergarten. Die Spielhöschen sind von deutschen Freunden geschenkt. (Blindenheim Kaying). [Legende bei Bild, chinesisch geschriebene Bildlegende im Bild.]"
Archives mission 21 / Basel Mission Reference: QQ-30.065.0015
Photographer: Hildesheimer China-Blinden-Mission, Hannover, Germany
Place taken: Meixian
Date (DD.MM.YYYY): 01.01.1921-31.12.1950
Interestingly the Hildesheimer Blindenmission is still active (website in German and English). I wonder whether there was already a school for the blind established before the missionaries arrived?
April 2013: I was astounded to learn from my mother's cousin LC that his mother had in fact attended an American school in Moiyan. She learned English there and apparently had very beautiful handwriting. She was, as he says "indeed a fortunate girl in those days to receive a proper education." She later went on to teach at the Chinese Middle School in Port Louis.
On the BMpix site you can see a photo of an 'American school' in Moiyan; perhaps this was the one she attended.