"Journey on the river, in a hakka boat, from Moiyen to Swatow (Mrs Meister and an English lady)."
"[original caption] Flussreise Moiyen-Swatow auf Hakkaboot (Frau Dr. Meister m. Engländerin)."
Archives mission 21 / Basel Mission Reference: A-30.84.053
Photographer: Meister, Johann (Hans) Heinrich (Mr)
Place taken: Meixian
Date (DD.MM.YYYY): 01.01.1937-31.12.1948
I find this picture fascinating, because these women are making the same journey that my Koung Koung made in 1936; the riverboat trip from Moiyan to Swatow. The possible dates for this photo range from 1937-1948, so I like to think that this might have been the same sort of boat that he took.
"On the Moi river up to Meihsien."
"[original caption] Auf dem Moifluss hinauf nach Meihsien."
I chose this photo as it shows the propulsion method for the riverboats - the gondoliers of the Moi River!
Archives mission 21 / Basel Mission Reference: QA-32.022.0720
Photographer: Oehler, Wilhelm (Mr)
Place taken: Meixian
Date: 1929
"Bridge of ships near Kaying."
"[original caption] Schiffbrücke bei Kaying."
Archives mission 21 / Basel Mission Reference: QA-30.015.0022
Photographer: Bay, Hermann (Mr)
Place taken: Meixian
Date (DD.MM.YYYY): 01.01.1912-31.12.1922
I love the ingenious use of boats here!